Despre noi
Infiintata in anul 2006, publicatia Masini si Utilaje pentru Constructii este prima si cea mai importanta publicatie din Romania care informeaza piata asupra noutatilor din domeniul masinilor si utilajele pentru constructii. Cu un concept editorial si grafic aliniate la standardele mondiale actuale, publicatia noastra aduce cititorilor sai mixul perfect de informatie, care sa stea la baza luarii unor decizii corecte si rapide.
Revista Masini si Utilaje pentru Constructii este prezenta din 2006 pe piata din Romania si internationala, cu aparitie lunara neintrerupta, ea fiind cunoscuta la nivelul firmelor de constructii, producatorilor si distribuitorilor de utilaje si camioane, contractorilor, operatorilor, cat si firmelor care ofera servicii conexe sectorului de constructii (anvelope, lubrifianti, servicii financiare, carburanti, piese de schimb, service, agentii media, etc).
Canalele de comunicare ale publicatiei noastre sunt updatate de doua ori pe an si constau intr-un mix de print si on-line: revista tiparita lunar, revista electronica lunara, web-site, social media, newslettere, suplimente.
Urmand graficul sinuos al evolutiei pietei de constructii interne si internationale, dupa mai mult de un deceniu de activitate, suntem mandri ca ne gasim inca aici si ca avem increderea partenerilor nostri!
Valoarea rezultatelor proiectelor desfasurate este data de valoarea oamenilor. Totul porneste de la o echipa de oameni valorosi, care apreciaza "lucrul bine facut" si mai mult decat atat, chiar face bine lucrurile! Aceasta se traduce prin faptul ca fiecare dintre proiectele asumate de noi devine, pas cu pas, un succes. Credem ca oamenii sunt in spatele ideilor marete care vor schimba lumea, iar ideile de astazi vor schimba si contura viitorul tuturor!
- Managementul firmelor de constructii din Romania, contractori, operatori;
- Producatorii si distribuitorii de masini si utilaje pentru constructii, incluzand camioanele si autoutilitarele;
- Firme care ofera servicii conexe celor de constructii;
- Departamentele de achizitii publice ale institutiilor de stat care desfasoara activitati de constructii;
- Camerele de comert si ambasadele interesate sa gaseasca parteneriate locale pentru desfasurarea de proiecte de constructii;
- Facultatile de profil (UTCB, Facultatea de Utilaj Tehnologic);
In fiecare noua zi facem din revista Masini si Utilaje pentru Constructii un vehicul din ce in ce mai performant, care sa isi atinga tinta propusa - aceea de a relata cat mai exact si complet despre ce se intampla pe piata de constructii interna si internationala, cat si de a gasi noi modalitati interactive pentru a creste vizibilitatea partenerilor nostri, care au incredere in colaborarea cu noi.
About Us
Masini si Utilaje pentru Constructii magazine is present from 2006 on the Romanian and international market, with uninterrupted monthly appearance, being known among construction companies, contractors, operators, manufacturers and distributors of machinery and trucks, companies that are providing related services to the construction area (tires, lubricants, financial services, fuel, spare parts, service, media agencies, other services).
Our communication channels are twice a year updated and they represent a mix of print and on-line: printed monthly magazine, on-line monthly magazine, web-site, social media, newsletters, supplements.
Following the sinuous chart of the evolution of intern and international constructions market, after more than a decade, we are proud that we are still here and that we have the trust of our partners!
Our Vision
The value of the developed projects is given by the value of the people involved. All starts from a team of valuable people, which are appreciating "the well done work" and more than that, they are applying this into practice every day! All above it's translated that every one of our projects becomes, step by step, a success. We believe that people are behind great ideas which will change the world, and the today ideas will change and shape the future!
The target audience of Masini si Utilaje pentru Constructii magazine:
- The management of construction companies from Romania, contractors, operators;
- The producers and distributors of machinery and construction equipment, including trucks and vans;
- Companies that provide services related to constructions;
- Departments of public acquisitions of the public institutions, who are developing tenders/acquisitions in construction area;
- Chambers of commerce and embassies interested to find local partnerships for the development of construction projects;
- Construction and Equipment Universities (UTCB, Technological Equipment University);
Every new day we create from Masini si Utilaje pentru Constructii magazine a more and more advanced tool, in order to achieve our targets - to report what is happening on the national and international construction market as accurately and completely as possible, and as well to find new interactive ways to increase the visibility of our partners, who believe in our mutual beneficial collaboration.