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Doosan Display at Bauma 2022

Doosan Display at Bauma 2022

Doosan is presenting an industry leading display of new state-of-the-art machine and digital technologies on the company’s Stand No FM.711/1 at the heart of the Open-Air Area Middle construction and mining machinery section of the Bauma 2022 show. The Doosan stand is centred around a dedicated Innovation Centre and, under the theme of Powered by Innovation, will present the latest developments in the company’s leading edge Concept-X, Xitecloud and DoosanCONNECT systems, together with other unique products such as the world’s first ‘Transparent Bucket’ and the new DX225LC-7X, Doosan’s first ‘Smart’ Crawler Excavator.

As well as the new DX225LC-7X, the array of products on the Doosan stand will show the increasing expansion at both ends of the product range for the first time at Bauma. At the top of the range, these will include the new DX1000LC-7 100 tonne crawler excavator, the award-winning DL580-7 wheel loader and a brand new 4x4 version of the Doosan DA45-7 articulated dump truck (ADT). At the compact end of the Doosan range, the company’s new 2 to 5 tonne mini-excavators and new 10 tonne midi wheeled excavator will be shown for the first time alongside the new Doosan range of compact wheel loader models. Another Bauma exclusive will be a preview of the first zero-emission mini-excavator from Doosan, the DX20Z-E, due to be launched in 2023.

Doosan Concept-X and XiteCloud Systems

Doosan will be demonstrating the latest version of Concept-X, the world’s first unmanned automated and integrated control solution introduced in 2019, for construction, quarrying and mining sites. XiteCloud is the first stage in commercialising Concept-X - it maximizes productivity by incorporating complex 3D drone construction surveys and earthwork calculations into a cloud platform, allowing them to be completed in just one to two days.

Next Generation DoosanCONNECT App

Doosan is demonstrating the company’s DoosanCONNECTTM TMS fleet and asset management system at Bauma. DoosanCONNECT is a mobile application available for both Apple and Android devices that now offers customers a new all-in-one management system for Doosan construction equipment.

The latest upgrade to the DoosanCONNECT App introduces additional services and expanded overall functionality, allowing the App to manage all processes from operation and maintenance to parts purchase through this one platform. The system is designed to increase productivity and efficiency at construction sites by reducing equipment management time and effort compared to offline and other solutions.

The World’s First ‘Transparent Bucket’ System

Doosan’s industry unique ‘Transparent Bucket’ safety system will be at Bauma for the first time. The Transparent Bucket is the first safety system of its type to provide a solution to prevent the danger of blind spots in front of the buckets of wheel loaders.


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